The first rule of bringing pets is...just joking. Movie references aside, we do have a few rules you agree to follow by bringing your pet:
- Keep your dog on a lead. We don't want any missing furry friends out in the wild.
- No dogs on the bed. We know this can be tricky as they might be used to it at home, please bring additional blankets to cover the bed if you can't stop them from jumping up.
- No scratching. Damage to fly screens will result in an additional bill to have it fixed.
- Pick up poop. #2's can go straight down the composting loo with yours - pls no compostable bags though, they take forever to break down.
- Do not leave your pet in the cabin unattended. It’s a big no no to leave your dog in the cabin and go out for the day, please leave them at home if you cannot have them with you at all times.
- Watch areas of long grass, while we haven't had any issues so far, snakes could be around in Australia.
Many of our cabins border national parks and conservation zones. If you're bringing your dog please note that these are out-of-bounds areas. They regularly use baits to stop pesky predators and wild dogs.